Monday, August 30, 2010

Joys of Motherhood: Smells

Welcome to a whole new segment of my blog: the Joys of Motherhood. I am a mother of three, absolutely wonderful and adorable kids-Isaac (9), Matthew (6), and Isabelle(1). They all have beautiful personalities and my love for them is indescribable. Now that I've cleared that up...on to today's topic: Smells.

I remember the times where my brother and I probably left some stenches in the house-for instance when we microwaved gummi bears in to a massive melt of gummies which became so stuck to the bowl that we threw it and the spoon away. (sorry, mom) Love us still? :D There was also the time where my brother lit a firework in his bedroom..or the time he played in tar and brought that home with him. However, nothing quite prepared me for the smells that would fill my house.

When pregnant with your first child, people tell you horror stories of smelly diapers, poop-up-the-back diapers, spit up, and child vomit. The truth is that those types of offenses are just the tip of the iceberg.

Isaac paints the Living Room
Isaac had just turned one and was playing in the living room while I cooked dinner. Surely my dinner doesn't smell that bad, I thought. Oh, wait. Isaac must have had a poop-yyy!! I went to retrieve Isaac to change his diaper when I discovered that Isaac decided to take matters into his own hands. Literally. He had figured out how to take his diaper off and decided that well, there was too much white in the house. Paint the white couch BROWN!!! Paint the white walls BROWN!!! Paint hot wheels BROWN!!!! Paint the brown floor....okay...recolor it different shade of BROWN!!!! And in case it wasn't clear, I am not talking actual paint here. Though the smell at the time could have peeled paint.This was actually kind of impressive as I was only in the kitchen for five minutes.

Time for a New Car, Honey!!
I was called in to the daycare from work to pick up my sweet, sick Isaac. He had a fever and needed to be quarantined from the kids who most likely made him sick to begin with. Isaac was gracious enough to give a full one seconds notice that his tummy felt sick before he barfed all over my car. The car (my original beetle) was sold about a month later. WHAT?! I needed a more practical, family-oriented car anyway!! Never mind that I got another bug a few years later...

I just moved into this house in July. Here is a recent history of the passing smells I have the pleasure of inhaling:

Od' de Frog Gie
A few weeks ago the boys explored a nearby pond and found an abundance of tadpoles and newly transformed frogs. They were oh-so-cute that we took some home with us in an empty water bottle we were carrying. Isaac did not want these frogs to suffocate, so he left the lid off of the bottle. I was in Isaac's room with Anthony and Isabelle and suddenly smelled death. I looked at Anthony in disgust, I honestly thought something died inside him. I never thought I would ever say this, but oh how I wish that it could have been a foul gassy emission. At least the poop particles from a fart dissipate. Isabelle tried to release these poor froggies and had spilled the bottle all over the carpet next to Isaac's bed. It was sad seeing the frogs laying on the carpet as if in some sort of horrible battlefield scene.

Od' de Perfume
Yes, perfume. Yesterday Isabelle found my bottle of perfume and I noticed that she was carrying it around, but didn't really think twice about it. *dumb move* She dropped the bottle of perfume and came over to me. I hadn't heard the impact of the bottle hitting the floor but smelled it immediately. I wasn't sure what happened, I thought maybe she had sprayed herself but the strong was way too strong for that. The bottle had broken open and there was a huge puddle of perfume in the middle of the living room.  So if you are paying attention, my house smells like death and perfume, so basically like an old folks' home. On a positive note, my floor sure does shine!

P.S. I know I haven't gone back to my car stories. I will get there....I'm just bored with it at the moment....

1 comment:

  1. I bet your house still smells like death and saddness. Poor tadpolls!


