Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Blue Beast

Upon reading my next posting, two, or three (depending on how I decide to split these stories up); don't be inclined to avoid me while driving. I assure you my driving skills have improved much in the past ten years or so. It was the first five ... six... or seven (give or take) driving years that I consider to be the "crash test dummy" years. My parents, in their infinite wisdom, must have known that I would first need an armored car. They graciously allowed me to borrow theirs (which was the next best thing to a Panzer or an Abrams). Here, I present to you, a picture of my first car:

1985 Chevrolet Caprice: Next best thing to a Panzer

I actually remember when my parents first bought this car. My brother and I thought it was the coolest thing ever that it had power windows. We would sit in our seats as calmly as possible, start to roll down the window, and glance over at the cars next to us so they could see us as our window rolled down effortlessly as if to say, no, those kids are NOT writhing back and forth vigorously in an effort to turn the window down, they have power windows. I think my favorite thing was to ask the people in the car next to us if they had any Grey Poupon. Remember those commercials? 

So Choice

The car served my parents well for the next 7 or 8 years...until I was licensed...that's when I decided to do other families all over the world a favor and test out the safety ratings on the car, and the blue beast learned its place in the world...

P.S. The 1985 Chevy Classic is a very safe car in an accident!!!

Coming up next: Attack of the Killer Garage