Thursday, August 19, 2010

The day hide and seek lost its charm

When I was about 11 my family had just moved to Germany and were staying in a hotel. My brother Dennis and I were sleeping in the room next to our parent's room. We were bored and decided to play hide-and-seek. It was rare at our ages (11 and 16) that he would want to play anything with me at all. I thought he finally deemed my 'cool enough' and I was 'in' with my brother. This was going to be awesome.

After a few rounds of the game, it was my turn to hide again. I found the perfect spot. He would NEVER have found me. My spot was in the cabinets coming down from the ceiling. It would seem a 12 year old would never fit into such and awkward and small space. Even being on the small side of 12 I had to contort myself into this cabinet. It was the most perfect hiding spot in the history of hide-and-seek. I was giggling the entire time I climbed up there.

As each minute passed, I commended myself on a job well done. I was awesome. He could not find me.

More time elapsed..

More time...okay, better take it easy on him. I started to make noises so he could 'find' me and noted to myself that later I would taunt him with the fact that I had to 'help' him find me.

I fell asleep. I woke up with uncomfortable pains in my body.

I had to get down. I wondered if my brother had gotten lost trying to find me. I felt terrible and imagined horrible scenarios as I walked the hallways of the hotel and tried to find my dear brother. What if he got lost? Did he tell my parents that he couldn't find me and now they were out looking for me? My kick ass hiding spot was soo going to get me in trouble.

Eventually I gave up and went to bed.

Early the next morning Dennis came back. He gloated as he told me that had gone out and went to the festival that was open a few blocks from our hotel. He USED me to go eat schnitzel and doner and over sized cookies (lebkuchen). He probably even danced with poodles. If you don't get the poodle reference go here:

And that is the day that hide and seek lost its charm.


  1. When I was in college... yes, I said COLLEGE! Don't judge me! I would play hide and seek with my deaf friend, and I would just love it because I could giggle all I wanted and he would never know! I remember once I was “hiding” in his well-lit bathtub with the curtain slightly open (because NO ONE in their “right” mind would hide in an open bathtub!) and listened as he searched frantically for me. I laughed as he kept checking the bathroom (missing me of course) and rechecking the closets. He started calling for me to come out, because he knew once he found me he would get a fright SO profound it would probably stop his heart. It was and it almost did. I decided to have pity on him and jumped out the next time he came in the bathroom with a roar (which he didn’t hear, but it helped me contort my face). It was the best scare I have given anyone in my life, and I will probably go to hell for it! I will enjoy that hand basket ride very much. Carry on! :-)

    P.S. I’m just retarded, that’s why it wasn’t working…

  2. Candice,
    The best hiding spot that we ever had is the one at the hotel in Wiesbaden. I had watched far too many cartoons as a kid and had a great imagination. So, I hid in that hide-away couch in the hotel room. I could not breath in there and I was yelling at you to open it up. That was scary! You were not strong enough to open it up and had to get someone from the hallway to let me out. How embarrassing! all you kids out there do not hide in a fold up sofa!!

  3. @Kotyonok- ROFL! Hilarious. I love that story. I have never been able to successfully scare anyone because I always start giggling when I think about how they are going to react when I scare them. It would definitely be useful to have a deaf friend so I could finally scare someone.

    @Dennis- I DO remember that!!! LOL! I can't imagine having some child commission me to pull their brother/sister out of a sofa. I would remember that forever.

  4. Ahhhh, the things we parents find out after the kids grow up!

  5. HAHAHAHAHA I remember you telling me this story :P
