Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hiding is not my forte

I know that I am supposed to be presenting you with one of my way-too-many car accident stories, but that is just depressing and I need a brake.  Do you like that? Not break, but brake? like car brakes? :O) Besides, it is not at all fun to draw rectangle cars and circle tires. By the way, weren't my tires awesome?

Okay, onto today's subject. Hiding with the intent to scare. My dad was able to successfully scare me hundreds of times by hiding in my room before I went to bed. You would think that his preparation and training that I would be able to withstand any one's attempt at scaring me and that I would have learned this sacred technique. Unfortunately, I missed something in those lessons. You see, I am an easy target. Don't ever throw a surprise party for me. YOU HEAR THAT? DON'T ...DO...IT...

I hope to gain some insight into why my scare tactics don't work. Maybe you can even make suggestions yourself. I have outlined some of my common techniques. I don't fear sharing these with you because I have never had a successful scare with any of them, therefore it won't ruin the moment in the case of a real scare attempt.

I think the problem arises when I have to wait long enough for me to imagine Anthony's the person's face when I scare them. I like to imagine that there will be some sort of scream or yelp associated with look of fear in the eyes and a jump back.

Intended result. Very funny. That's not Anthony.

Hide in the Closet
I like this technique. Hiding in a closet does not play into my claustrophobia. I can breathe in open air and am not confined to standing in one position.

Note to self: less coffee, also, think about something not funny. Like shoes. But shoes can be funny....crap.

Behind the Door
This isn't a bad idea, because who would expect someone to randomly pop out from behind the door? I don't like this as much because I have to hold very, very still. I think that it looks like this when I hide:

But in reality, it probably looks more like this:

Not so stealthy

Beside the Bed

What I think I look like


Hiding under the Covers

Again, what I think I look like


Suggestions, anyone?

P.S. To the person who almost gave me a heart attack this morning, beware. I am about to get the best advice ever and you, Anthony PERSON, should be scared.

P.P.S. To the readers of my car accident series, I will try to continue that tomorrow. I have to allow myself to recover from too much rectanglage.


  1. I am the master! Do not be frightened, for ye shall know the frightener when I reveal my diabolical plan. Hahahahahahahahahahahah AHHHHHH hahahahahahahahahah!

  2. You didn't know? They can't see or hear you as long as you are in some sort of dark place or deep crouch. What? They can see the top of your head? NONSENSE! This is false because EVERYONE KNOWS people cannot see you when you are hiding. EVER. No one notices that the open door is conspicuously far away or that a nose is poking out from behind it. There are NO LUMPS under the blanket. That is all in "PERSON'S" imagination.

    These are facts. *nods head*

  3. I was literally laughing out loud at this post. I am afraid I have nothing since I do not have hiding skills which is pretty much as good as my ability to tell a joke. (Get one or two words out then bust out in hysterical laughter leaving everyone smiling with one eyebrow up.)

  4. She has been practicing scaring the baby though. So, who knows? Maybe someday...

  5. @anonymous: I know you think you're slick but you just wait....

    @Nicki: I know, right?!

    @Mom: I didn't know bad hiding skills/bad joke telling skills were inherited traits....

    @Anthony: It was sooo cute when she got scared because she laughed about it!! I swear I wouldn't scare her if I thought it really bothered her!!!

    @Kotyonok: YES!!!! That would be AWESOME! Sometimes, though, I think somehow I put off this invisible, silent tension and it's like anyone can find me or sense me because I'm too pensive or something. It would be interesting to find out if this were true....

  6. You're just conditioning Isabelle. Now, she won't be an easy target :D
    And bad joke telling skills aren't inherited because you and I are HILAAAR... mostly you. lol

    and RIGHT!
