Sunday, August 29, 2010

I hate Wall-e

Please stop putting cockroaches in my movies. Wall-e was intolerable and I will never eat a twinkie again. I have to close my eyes tightly during that scene in Enchanted...I will NEVER watch Joe's Apartment based on what I have been told. They are not cute or funny. In fact, there is nothing remotely appealing about a cockroach. It makes my fingers feel filthy merely typing out the word.

You know what? I just tried to research this vile bug for you and couldn't even sit and read about them. I started feeling creepy crawly and actually ran away from my computer screen when confronted with a disgusting picture of this creature. I don't know if I can even finish this post.

Hoping cockroach picture will magically disappear from my laptop

(*three days later...not kidding) I just found out that the name of my fear is Katsaridaphobia.

UPDATE because Anthony said this post was boring and needed more stories.

In order for me to produce a complete post, any references to the above mentioned bugs will be under the alias 'butterfly'. So when you read 'butterfly' you know what I mean....AND DON'T EXPECT PICTURES, I CAN'T DO IT.

Shower Curtain
When I first moved into this house I was putting a second shower curtain up in the boys' bathroom. I saw a butterfly scurry up the curtain. It was by far, the LARGEST butterfly I had ever seen in my life. I flipped out and ran out of the bathroom screaming.


Anthony, "Calm down, calm down, sheesh. Where is it?"

Me, "On the curtain!!!! Oh, I'm going to be sick!!!"

Anthony, "There's NO BUTTERFLY, Candice. Nothing. Calm down. (seriously annoyed)"


Anthony, "There's NO.....holy crap! *slams door shut* What the...? *whack, whack* Son of a....*bang bang* HOW in the ...." *whack whack*

Me, "NO butterfly, eh?" *snicker*

...5 minutes later.....

Anthony comes out in shock, eyes wide. He vaguely resembled a man who had just seen their grandmother naked. I'm surprised he didn't curl up in a ball shaking.  All I know is that I was very smug about the whole ordeal.

Horror film material
The next story I am about to tell you is 100% true. It is by no means an exaggeration. I can't even begin to tell you how amazingly disgusting this is. But it is absolutely true.

I used to work in an old Army barracks building. I hated working there because not a day would go by that I didn't have to see some stupid butterfly in the hallways of the building. That is not the bad part.

One day, I walked into the bathroom and *very regretfully* looked over to my right because I say something moving. It was not just something, it was about 1,000 somethings. Or more. The ceiling tiles were rotting horribly and there were literally hundreds of butterflies falling out of the ceiling. They covered the shower floor to the point where at certain parts of the shower floor they were in piles halfway to my knees. Most were dead, but many were alive.

I left the bathroom screaming. This caused everyone in their offices to come out. I explained what I saw and *knowing my fear of butterflies they blew me off and walked in to inspect this claim and found that there was no describing this situation. The commander had a few soldiers come in with those large 20 gallon large trashcans...

It took 4 or 5 of those trashcans (full) to clean the mess up.

I never stepped foot into that bathroom again.

Okay, this wasn't a funny post, sorry to disappoint....I am thoroughly disgusted now. *sigh

I had to go through and delete my cookies on my computer so that no 'butterfly' searches would somehow be on the computer anymore.



  2. I REFUSE to click on that link 'anonymous.' You are MEAN!!!! I know who you are and where you live....

  3. Eeeewwwww! I might have nightmares now. Thanks. Everything was ok until that last story.

  4. Here check this out it may clear your mind about cockroaches!

  5. Anonymous, don't be a DICK! and you too Dennis, whoever you people are. She just bared her soul, and you two had to go be a bunch of asstards!

    Candice, I'm with you even if they don't scare me the way they scare you! (pardon my language...)
